'Mollusques' / SHOULD I STAY - SHOULD I GO Tilburg, Hoofddorp, Amstelveen, Haarlem, Alkmaar, Diepenheim, Utrecht, Amsterdam / 1996
A travelling exhibition of 12 caravans, transformed by artists.
A caravan (type Mostard Yvonne, 1964) filled with twelve aquariums in a laboratory setting, each of which is filled with twelve species of land and water snails. The walls of the caravan are decorated with images and objects depicting spirals: horns, winding stairs, ammonites, milky ways and fractals.
Size: 370 x 200 x 200 cm. high. Material: perspex aquaria, snails, photos and objects.
Group-exhibition with a.o. Bastiaans, Van den Dobbelsteen, Semah, Ulay, Van der Weide.
‘Mollusques’ on its way
’Mollusques’, detail of content
Should I Stay - Should I Go, Alkmaar
‘Mollu Should I Stay - Should I Go, Haarlem
Should I Stay - Should I Go, Amsterdam