- 15-04-2024
- Exhibition / Brumes Blondes / 100 Year Surrealism, curated by Laurens Vancrevel and Rik Lina
- Galerie Arttra
Tweede Boomdwarsstraat 4
1015 LK Amsterdam
11 mei tot 30 juni 2024
Opening: zaterdag 11 mei: 16.00 - 19.00 uur.
- Group exhibition in honour of 100 years Surrealism.

- 19-05-2023
- Exhibition / GRAPHICS / Peter van der Heijden
- Galerie ARTTRA
Tweede Boomdwarsstraat 4
1015 LK Amsterdam/020 6259303/info@arttra.com
3 juni t/m 29 juni
Opening: zaterdag 3 juni, 16.00 ďż˝ 19.00 uur
A early spring salon with prints; colouretchings and aquatints 45 years old.
Stijl II, 1977, colour etching, 27 x 28 cm
- 17-05-2023
- Publication / GRAPHICS
- 'GRAPHICS' A selection of 37 etchings 1976 – 1987.
'GRAPHICS' is the fifth in a series of five booklets about Peter van der Heijden’s body of work. The previously published booklets 'Hearsay', 'Q.E.D.', 'Title, Year, Technique, Size' and ‘Biotopes’ gave a concise insight in the essence of his two-dimensional works, objects and installations. 'Graphics' highlights a selection of colour-etchings and auquatints made some 45 years ago.
Historian Pim Hoff has written the accompanying essay in which he contemplates the premises and motives underlying the works.
'GRAPHICS' A Selection of 37 etchings 1976 - 1987
24 x 17 cm. 72 pages
Text: Pim Hoff, Peter van der Heijden
photografie: Peter van der Heijden
design: Frank Beekers
Edition: 300 x: -10 euro
50 x numbered as a special edition incl. signed print: - 25 euro
Order: pete.heijden@planet.nl

- 28-04-2023
- Exhibition / Zeeprik Genootschap Tien Jaar / ULTIMA THULE*
- ‘Een Schrei uit het Diepste van de Verloren Tijd’ / ‘A Cry from the Deepest Dephts of Lost Time’.
ULTIMA THULE* / Galerie van de Kunst van de Maal-Tijd / Henri Roquas
Blankenstraat 115, Amsterdam / 30 april t/m 4 juni.
- The Zeeprik Genootschap celebrates its Ten Years of existence with a program of exhibitions and salons.
Exhibition including: Toon Teeken, Moritz Ebinger, L.A.Raeven, Peter van der Heijden, Marc Volger and others.
Darwins Delight I, 2004, mixed media, 38 x 52 cm
- 21-07-2020
- Exhibition / Scaled Up / Peter van der Heijden
- Galerie ARTTRA
Tweede Boomdwarsstraat 4
1015 LK Amsterdam/020 6259303/info@arttra.com
De galerie is tijdens de tentoonstelling op afspraak en na aanmelding te bezoeken.
25 juli t/m 31 augustus
- An exhibition of recent collages and prints, combined with some related older works.
During the exhibition there will be a presentation of the fourth booklet, in a serie of five, 'BIOTOPES' A selection of 25 installations 1982 - 2016.
Shame, digital collage/print, 2020, 34 x 26 cm
- 20-04-2020
- Publication / BIOTOPES
- Peter van der Heijden 'BIOTOPES'
A selection of 25 installations 1982 - 2016
Text: Pim Hoff, Peter van der Heijden.
Design: Frank Beekers.
24 x 17 cm, 87 pages.
Edition: 300 x: -10 euro.
50 x numbered as a special edition incl. signed print: - 25 euro.
Order: pete.heijden@planet.nl
- 'BIOTOPES' is the fourth in a series of five booklets about Peter van der Heijden’s body of work. The previously published booklets 'Hearsay', 'Q.E.D.' and 'Title, Year, Technique, Size' gave a concise insight in the essence of his two-dimensional works and objects. Biotopes highlights a selection of the larger spatial installations, temporary works on location and commissions for the public realm. Gallery manager and historian Pim Hoff has written the accompanying essay in which he contemplates the premises and motives underlying the works.

- 03-02-2020
- Exhibition / Tijdelijke Galerie / Piet Hein Eek
- Galerie Piet Hein Eek
Halvemaanstraat 30
5651 BP Eindhoven
Opening: Zaterdag 29 februari / 15:00 uur
De galerie is dagelijks geopend.
In verband met de ontwikkelingen rondom het coronavirus zijn extra maatregelen getroffen.
- Opening of the Temporary Gallery. Group-show with works of Reinoud van Vught, Marc Mulders, Tokihiro Sato, Peter van der Heijden, Marc Ruygrok, Gabriel Roca, Willem van den Hoed en Jan van der Ploeg.

- 06-03-2019
- Presentation / Wonderkamer / Peter van der Heijden
- Galerie Piet Hein Eek / Wonderkamer
Halvemaanstraat 30
5651 BP Eindhoven
- A new selection of works of Peter van der Heijden is shown in the Wonderkamer in the gallery of Piet Hein Eek.
9-3-18-23-24-6-0, 2017, digital collage/print, 36 x 51 cm
- 01-07-2018
- Peter van der Heijden 'TITLE, YEAR, TECHNIQUE, SIZE
A selection of 75 works 1974 - 2018
- After 'HEARSAY' and 'Q.E.D.'this is nr 3 in a series of 5 booklets.
'TITLE, YEAR, TECHNIQUE, SIZE' shows 75 personally selected works dating from 1974 – 2018, that have all found their own way through the years.
The captions - title, year, technique, size - are the only directive clues in this booklet.
The works should be self-explanatory.
24 x 17 cm.
95 pages.
Text and photography: Peter van der Heijden.
Design: Frank Beekers.
Edition: 300 x : 10 euro.
50 x numbered as a special edition incl. signed print: 25 euro.
Order: pete.heijden@planet.nl

- 18-04-2018
- Exhibition / UPPER TEN / Peter van der Heijden / recent works
- Galerie Arttra
Tweede Boomdwarsstraat 4
1015 LK Amsterdam
3 juni t/m 26 augustus
Opening: zondag 3 juni 16:00 – 19.00 uur
- Peter van der Heijden / Upper Ten / recent works. Spring-salon with prints of digital collages. Inspired by and with the use of design-drawings of his grandfather bon papa Nico Nieuwenhuisen, he made 10 scenic landscapes.
Presentation by landscape architect Dirk Sijmons of the book TITLE, YEAR, TECHNIQUE, SIZE with a selection of 75 two-dimensional works and objects from 1974-2018.
Upper Ten 10, 2017, digital collage/print, 36 x 51 cm
- 10-07-2016
- Publication / Q.E.D. / Peter van der Heijden
- Galerie Piet Hein Eek
Halvemaanstraat 30
5651 BP Eindhoven
Tel: 0031-40-2856610
e-mail: info@pietheineek.nl
- The exhibition Q.E.D. with 130 works of art is open now and to be seen untill october 3.
The gallery is open every day of the week.
The publication Q.E.D., with an essay of historian Pim Hoff and design of Frank Beekers, is published to coincide the exhibition.
Together with a former publication Hearsay they form a first retrospective.
Both publications are available at the exhibition.
Also available is the outcome of a project together with Piet Hein Eek, the printed and decorated 'Crisiskruk'.
Inside the 'Van Abbe Showcase' my selection of the collection of the Van Abbe Museum is exhibited. Beautifull works of: El Lissitzky, Lászlo Moholy-Nagy, Bernd & Hilla Becher, Leo Gestel and Aernout Mik.

- 18-04-2016
- Exhibition / Q.E.D. / Peter van der Heijden
- Galerie Piet Hein Eek
Halvemaanstraat 30
5651 BP Eindhoven
Tel: 0031-40-2856610
e-mail: info@pietheineek.nl
Opening zondag 3 juli, 15:00 uur
Q.E.D. Quod Erat Demonstrandum.
3 juli 2016 t/m 2 oktober2016, 7 dagen van de week geopend.
- The exhibition includes more then 130 artworks; collages prints, objects and installations from 1974 until now.

- 10-10-2015
- Installation / X-MAS EPOS / Almere
- Baltimoreplein Almere Buiten.
10 oktober t/m 1 februari
The age-old
and very actual X-MAS-story told as an animal epic in a showcase at the Baltimore
square in Almere Buiten.
installation with a line-up of curious animals, some well-dressed, waiting to welcome
the newborn homeless child.
With gifts of
gold and silver they intend to bring prosperity and happiness.
X-MAS EPOS (detail), 2015, Almere, 780 x 214 x 240 cm
- 15-04-2015
- Publication / 'HEARSAY'
- Peter van der Heijden 'HEARSAY'
A selection of 31 collages 2006-2014
A selection of 31 collages 2006-2014
24 x 17 cm.
Text and photography: Peter van der Heijden
Design: Frank Beekers
Edition: 300 x : 10 euro
50 x numbered as a special edition incl. signed print: 25 euro
Order: pete.heijden@planet.n

- 13-04-2015
- Exhibition / Peter van der Heijden / recent works
- Galerie Arttra
Tweede Boomdwarsstraat 4
1015 LK Amsterdam
1 mei t/m 5 juni
Opening: vrijdag 1 mei, 17.00 – 19.00 uur
Peter van der Heijden / recent works. Spring-salon with prints of digital collages and leporello's.
Presentation of the book HEARSAY with a selection of collages from 2005-2014
Le Mastodonte de Java, 2014, digital collage/print 36 x 51 cm
- 21-03-2015
- Exhibition / De Waarde van het Verenigen
- Arti et Amicitiae
Rokin 112
Tentoonstelling: 21 maart t/m 3 mei 2015 Curator Harry Heyink
March 21 t/m May 3
exhibition is a tribute to the artist-members of Arti at Amicitiae with 70
works of 70 artists from the past 65 years.
Sauve qui peut, Peter van der Heijden, 1984, 240 x 285 cm, acrylic on coton.
- 20-08-2014
- BYOB / Eyes Everywhere
- Tivoli Vredenburg Utrecht
Nederlands Film Festival
Vrijdag 26 september, aanvang 20:00 uur
- Bring Your Own Beamer! — On Fridaynight September 26 ‘SETUP’ organizes a
new BYOB edition during the Nederlands Film Festival. More than 75
artists and makers beam their work on walls, windows and floors.
Together with Inge van Gils I show registrations of performances and
live-projections with micro-organisms.

- 06-08-2014
- Exhibition / Nederlandse Academie voor 'Patafysica NAP
- De Grote Schuur / Ruigoord
De Openbare Werken / Bâtart
6/7 en 13/14 september
An exhibition of artist-members of the Nederlandse Academie voor
’Patafysica (NAP). With among others: Roel van Timmeren, Atte Jongstra,
Theo Kley, Mark Manders, Peter van der Heijden, Erik Fens en Meinbert
Gozewijn van Soest.
The bâtafysical artists
- 23-05-2014
- Exhibition / Vertical Views
Rokin 114 Amsterdam
Saturday 24 and Sunday May 25, 12-18 hours.
Opening Friday May 23, 17.30- 21.30 hours.
Spring Accrochage: Jikke van Loon, Peter van der Heijden, Harald
Schole, Harold Schouten, Roel van Timmeren, Paul Vendel, Marc Volger.
Vertical Views, 4 leporello's
- 18-04-2014
- Exhibition VEDUTE / THINKING (out of) THE BOX
- Marres
House for Contemporary Culture
Capucijnenstraat 98 Maastricht
18 april – 15 juni
On April 18, Marres opens the exhibition THINKING (out of) THE BOX: a selection of Vedute-manuscripts,
three dimensional objects as visualized thoughts that make the concept
of space accessible and tangible. Vedute invites artists, designers,
architects and others active in different disciplines, to visualise
their fascination with space in a work measuring 44 x 32 x 7 cm in
closed form. Unlike books, 3D-manuscripts reveal their content as visual
statements. Some are directly accessible, others disclose themselves
literally step by step; the variety is proving to be endless. Among
others: Peter Struycken, Marina Abramović, JCJ VanderHeyden, Paul
Panhuysen, Peter van der Heijden, Marlies Dekkers en Krijn de Koning.
vimeo opening Vedute Marres
Formicarium, Vedute Manuscript 0148, 44 x 32 x 7 cm.
- 14-04-2014
- Exhibition / AAAFNRAA / Peter van der Heijden / De kunstenaar en zijn collectie verzamelingen
- Arti et Amicitiae
Rokin 112 Amsterdam
14-04-14 t/m 11-07-14
opening: maandag 14 april 17.00 uur door Marc Volger
‘Anything Anytime Anywhere For No Reason At All’
is my favorite Zappa acroniem; a motto for my fascinations as an artist
and collector. Being the curator and organizer of the Collection
Exhibitions in the Berlage Room of Arti for three years, I now hand the
concept over to Harald Schole and end my contributions by an exhibition
of my own work, based on my collections.
Among others: Rhein leporello’s, postcards of Eiffeltowers,
postcards of dolmen and menhirs, Vinylcovers of Zappa, reli-cards,
girlstickers, naturalia, trachtenfeder, gaslighters, heroes and
En Ordre de Combat, 2013, assemblage, 115 x 79 cm.
- 31-05-2013
Rokin 114 Amsterdam
Opening: vrijdag 31 mei van 17.00 uur tot 22.00 uur
Zaterdag 1 en zondag 2 juni
On Friday May 31, I open a POP-UP STORE at the Rokin.
A weekendsalon with collages, mixed media, and digital prints.
Supporting act: Inge van Gils, ceramics.
L'Ibis de Cuvier d'Egypte, 2013, digital collage/print, 36 x51 cm
- 19-10-2012
- Exhibition / Peter van der Heijden / Recent works
- Galerie ARTTRA
Tweede Boomdwarsstraat 4
1015 LK Amsterdam
19 oktober t/m 16 december
Opening: vrijdag 19 oktober 17.00 – 19.00 uur
Automnsalon with prints of digital collages and montages.
Dragonkiller, 2012, digital print, 60x42 cm.
- 22-04-2012
- Exhibition / CONSTELLATIONS / Peter van der Heijden & Paul Vendel
- Galerie 37
Groot Heiligland 37
2011 EP Haarlem
22 april-2 mei
Opening op zondag 22 april om 16.00 uur
door landschapsarchitect Dirk Sijmons.
- Fascination for structures, natural and physical phenomena as
crystalforms, algae, corals and molecules is a common factor in the work
of Paul Vendel and Peter van der Heijden.
Installations, mixed media, collages, assemblages, sculptures and
Gallery overview
- 26-03-2011
- PAINTING ON WHEELS / Performance / video / exhibition
- FluXus My Home
Oostzijde 124 Zaandam
26 maart – 4 April
Peter van der Heijden, Inge van Gils and Roberto Rizzo.
March 26th – April 4 showcase My Home
Opening: March 26, 15.00 hrs
Exhibited is the account of a temporary project in the Rosmolenbuurt in Zaandam;
The presentation of a filmed performance of the roller-skaters of the Zaanse Roller Club ZRC, skating on Frank Zappa’s music. Inspired by liveprojections of micro organisms, the young ladies paint a number of grand action-paintings.
Starring: Thyrsa Vogel ,Ylona Bergers, Daisy Bosma, Esther Tromp, Sharon Bosvelt and Sanne van Nugteren.
youtube Painting on Wheels
youtube Artemia Arti
Performance / video: Painting on Wheels, 2011
- 31-10-2010
- Exhibition / mEATing
- Perron 58 Tilburg
31 oktober-28 november
A group-exhibition about man and meat.
With a.o. Martin uit den Boogaard, Phil Bloom, Tinkebell, Zeger
Reijers, Hester Scheurwater, Tineke Schuurmans, Marc Volger, Lidy
Jacobs, Paul de Reus and Peter van der Heijden.
Two cats reflected, 2010, digital collage/print, 34 x 26 cm.
- 07-05-2010
- Exhibition / Peter van der Heijden / recent works
- Galerie ARTTRA
Tweede Boomdwarsstraat 4
1015 LK Amsterdam
ma/di/wo/do/vrij: 10.00 tot 17.00 uur
7 mei – 16 juni
Peter van der Heijden / recent works
collages / mixed media
ceramics i.s.m. Inge van Gils
May 7 – June 16
Opening: Friday May 7, 17.00 – 19.00 hrs
A spring fair with small two-dimensional collages, montages and multiples
and a first proof of my cooperation with Inge van Gils.
Beautifull unique ceramic bowls of Inge, decorated with images of my
own amphibians. Among others the Mexican albino axolotl and the trituris
vulgaris, the common or smooth newt
It must be Mackay's camel, 2009, digital print, 52 x45 cm. / PI 002, 2010, ceramics, i.c.w. Inge van gils
- 18-10-2009
- ​Exhibition / Installation / Verzamelmuseum I DID IT MY HOME
- Oostzijde 124
1502 BL Zaandam
wo, za, zo 13.00 – 17.00 uur
18 oktober – 31 januari
New museum for Zaandam
Sunday October 18th Mrs. Fokelien Renckers-Stenneberg the director of the
Zaans Museum, officially opens the collectors museum I DID IT MY HOME in the Rosmolenbuurt in Zaandam.
The collectors museum is focused on visual arts and the passion of collecting.
I DID IT MY HOME shows the mania of collecting
and has the characteristics of a genuine museum, with changing
collections, guided tours and a museum store.
The collections and objects are personal possessions of the participating artist;
Erik Fens, Frank Halmans, Nicole van der Heijden, Peter van der Heijden,
Paul Vendel en Mark Volger.
The collector museum is established in a former furniture shop called MY HOME and is opened until January 31 th 2010.
Collectionmuseum IDIDITMYHOME
- 29-05-2009
- Exhibition / I am a little space / Berlin
- Museum der Unerhörten Dinge
Crellestr. 5-6, 10827 Berlin/Schöneberg
Tel: +30 7814932 / +1754109120
‘I am a little space’ May 29 till June26
On Friday 29 th of May an extraordinary exhibition opens in the Museum der Unerhörten Dinge in Berlin. In continuation of they’re cooperation in Amsterdam at the Natuurlijk Museum (2007) Peter van der Heijden, Erik Fens and Marc Volger now exhibit in the Berlin Museum of Roland Albrecht. To realise a broad and monumental group exhibition in this tiny museum they invited Els Bannenberg, Frank Halmans and Paul Vendel to join the project. The six artists will show objects, that are made especially for
this exhibition. They invite the visitor to zoom in and focus in order
to appreciate and experience the full size and value of the shown
In “I am a little space” the minuscule is magnified and the
“cosmic large” is been presented in a comprehensible size, alongside the
works of Roland Albrecht.
Notions of scale, size and proportion are being thrown in space and land safely; “Scale sucks”
- 24-04-2009
- Exhibition / Daphnia-Dance e.o.
- Artist in residence KIK Kolderveen.
Kolderveen 28, www.kik-site.nl
Invited by de Stichting Kunst in Kolderveen (KIK), I
am, for a period of 7 weeks, working as an artist in residence in a
former cheese factory in the rural village, Kolderveen, in the Dutch
province of Drente.
I am working on a installation and presentation in direct relation with the
natural life forms in the waters and fields surrounding the village.
I have been
fishing in the ditches and ponds for algae’s, small organisms and snails.
I determined and scanned them and created a databank of the many different
species that were emerging in these last explosive springtime weeks.
Some of the organisms will be magnified in life projections and print sequences.
The choreographic qualities of the water flies and the mosquito larvae is
magnificent, but snails eggs and worms also play they’re part in a performance.
The process of searching, collecting and registering the species forms a
part of the presentation.
Snail-dance, 2009, inkjetprint, 40 x 30 cm.